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What are the five ways to wellbeing?
five ways to wellbeing
are five things that we can try to do more of in our lives, which have been shown to improve our mental health and wellbeing.
These are:
Connect with other people
Be active
Be mindful
Learn something new
Connecting with other people increases our wellbeing and sense of belonging.
You could:
Join one of Norfolk and Waveney Mind's
online social groups
Log on for one of our online
Wellbeing social events
Phone an elderly neighbour or volunteer with a scheme like
Age UK Norfolk
's telephone befriending service
Send a postcard or a letter to a friend or family member
Be active
Being physically active can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
You could:
Have a kickabout at
All To Play For
, a footballing group in Norwich and Great Yarmouth for men struggling with poor mental health
Start running with the NHS
couch to 5k podcasts
Visit the Active Norfolk website to find ways to be
active at home
or in
Norfolk's stunning countryside
People who help others are more likely to describe themselves as happy.
You could:
Support us while you shop
via Amazon Smile
Join one of our fundraising events
or organise your own!
Share your experiences
to help shape our mental health support services
Be mindful
Living mindfully can help us be more positive and calm in the present moment.
You could:
Join one of our
online Mindfulness courses
Try an online
Forest Yoga session
created by Mind and Forestry England
Set a timer for a Mindful Minute during your day - take a pause to pay attention to your senses and breathing
Practise our
short breathing space exercise
Learning new skills helps give us a sense of purpose and boosts self-esteem.
You could:
Explore our range of
mental health and wellbeing workshops
Find a new hobby or skill through Norfolk County Council's
adult learning programme
Discover fascinating topics in a
free online course from Futurelearn
Related Links
Wellbeing Service
Related Links