What is LILY?
The services offer 1-to-1 support to adults (18+) whose loneliness is the primary issue affecting their health & wellbeing. People are supported to access social activities, volunteering opportunities, community services and assets; identify and overcome barriers that prevent them becoming connected; reconnect with family & friends and make new connections in their community.
The services can also form part of a wider package of support for individuals where loneliness is a symptom of other more complex challenges, such as caring responsibilities, mental or physical ill health or debt.Who is LILY for?
All adults within the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk geographical area
How do I access this service?
By contacting Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Call 01553 616200 - ask for The Lily Team or go to www.asklily.org.uk
How do I find out more about this service?
call 01553 616200 or go to www.asklily.org.uk
Call us on 0300 330 5488 option 1 or email rictriage@norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk
Whether it’s you, someone in your family, a friend or a work colleague, we are here to support you.