What is the Personality Disorder Recovery Service?

The Personality Disorder Recovery Service was commissioned to provide support to people with a diagnosis or traits of a personality disorder within Norfolk and Waveney. The service aims to empower individuals by supporting them to recognise and manage their difficulties better, connect with others with similar experiences and provide support towards their recovery.


Who is the Personality Disorder Recovery Service for?

The service aims to provide recovery-focused social support for people aged 18 years and above who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder or experience traits of a personality disorder. This can include:

Our service is designed to support, promote and aid recovery in a collaborative way so full participation and engagement is required. The service is not suitable for individuals who fall into any of the following categories:

  • Individuals who have not reached the age of 18 years
  • Individuals who are in acute crisis, including significant risk of ending their life
  • Individuals with a diagnosis or primary difficulty that is not a personality disorder e.g. neurodiversity, psychosis, eating disorder, dementia
  • Individuals where there is a presenting risk that might put staff, other service users and the local community in immediate danger
  • Individuals with significant substance abuse, alcohol dependency or withdrawal that would significantly impact their capability to engage in support. Individuals should therefore not attend whilst under the influence of any unprescribed alcohol/drugs.


How do I access this service?

If you feel this service might be right for you, please ask your GP or other health professional to complete a referral form for you. Please note, we are unable to accept self-referrals into the Personality Disorder Recovery Service and will request this to be completed by an allocated health professional.  



How to find out more about the Personality Disorder Recovery Service?

Call us on  01603 853176 option 1 or email pdservice@norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk 

Whether it’s you, someone in your family, a friend or a work colleague, we are here to support you.



Head Office

50 Sale Road
Tel: 0300 330 5488

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We're a part of Mind
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