Leaders and Innovators in Mental Health training
Norfolk and Waveney Mind are established and trusted leaders in mental health training and workplace wellbeing.
We are the leading mental health charity in Norfolk and Waveney and are affiliated to National Mind. We have provided training since 1966 to leading businesses, education providers, VCSE’s as well as the general public.
More than just training, we support everyone in our local community through our Mental Health Champion Network which provides regular events, refresher training, talks and networking opportunities to all those who take part in our courses or training.
Our training can be delivered across Norfolk and Waveney or online. We can facilitate delivery via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or bespoke systems.
Our team has a good knowledge of the region and can help to arrange venues.
Contact Us
We offer a range of other courses relating to communications, suicide awareness and intervention skills, people management and listening skills. We can also create bespoke courses and talks for organisations and individuals.
Tel: 0300 330 5488 Option 2
Email: training@norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk