What is Holly Tree House?

Holly Tree House aims to provide a safe, supportive, and collaborative alternative to acute mental health hospital admission for people with issues that may affect their mental health.

The short stay recovery house will support and provide interventions in the least restrictive environment consistent with people’s health and social care, and safety needs. Equity of access to an alternative to admission for people is ensured.


Who is Holly Tree House for?

The Crisis House is available to people registered with a Norfolk and Waveney GP practice, or living within the STP footprint if the person has no fixed abode. There is a single point of access into this service via Central Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) Team.

How do I access this service?

A full assessment will need to be carried out by East / Central / West CRHT, including:

An agreement from the person to work collaboratively with staff and others in the crisis house to proactively manage their crisis and the environment around them. This includes the ability to maintain their own safety and manage their own medications.

How do I find out more about this service?

Call us on 0300 330 5488 option 1 or email rictriage@norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk where you will be met by a Recovery Triage Operator who will provide you with further information about this service.

Whether it’s you, someone in your family, a friend or a work colleague, we are here to support you. 


Head Office

50 Sale Road
Tel: 0300 330 5488

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We're a part of Mind
We're a registered charity (no. 1118449) and a registered company (no. 05729028) in England

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