Eat.. Talk.. Listen.. Change lives this Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 12th to 18th May 2025. During this week, we are creating space for mental health conversations in our local communities with coffee mornings across Norfolk and Waveney.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2025 has the theme of ‘Community’ and we are highlighting the mental health support you can find local to you. From the 12th - 15th May, we'll be popping up at each of our community REST hubs to offer space to eat, talk and listen. Come along to find out about the support available, or just enjoy a sweet treat provided by our partners, Sponge.


Want to be a mental health hero?

You can host your own coffee morning and create your own space for mental health conversations whilst raising funds for Norfolk and Waveney Mind.

Just register to take part, set up your JustGiving page, and download your resource event pack.

Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem, but too many of us aren’t getting the help we need.

Together we can make Norfolk and Waveney a community where no one has to face poor mental health alone.



Head Office

50 Sale Road
Tel: 0300 330 5488

© 2025 Norfolk and Waveney Mind
We're a part of Mind
We're a registered charity (no. 1118449) and a registered company (no. 05729028) in England

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