More than just training

Our advice and training packages support education providers to develop wellbeing cultures within the learning environment. One which supports open conversations about mental health and the development of active policies that support student, staff and family wellbeing.

Our advice and training packages support education organisations to develop whole organisation approaches to wellbeing.  It includes training, advice and support on policies and embedding wellbeing into the curriculum. 

Our support and training includes:

  • Youth Mental Health Awareness.
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid & Champion Training (MHFA England).
  • Advice on mental health and prevention policies.
  • Training for parents and carers.
  • Access to our Mental Health Champions Network.
  • E- learning
  • Bespoke specialist subject sessions (suicide awareness & intervention, eating disorders, self harm) 

Trusted training providers in:



We are trusted providers for:




One in ten young people experience a mental health issue at any one time.  Suicide is the leading cause of death for those aged 5-19. Record levels of young people are living with a mental health condition. 

Our team have extensive experience in working with education providers to develop protective factors for young people such as greater awareness and suicide first aid procedures. Our consultation is bespoke, but can include:

  • General consultation and review of existing staff policies and strategies.
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of staff and student wellbeing surveys.
  • E-learning - development of bespoke e-learning solutions for example around mental health awareness.
  • Development and delivery of a bespoke package of certified online or face to face training.

Please see below for examples of some of our education focussed training.


Suicide Awareness and Intervention Skills 

We provide introductory and advanced level training in suicide awareness and intervention skills. Certified causes include SuicideTALK, QPR and ASIST. See our dedicated page for more details.


Contact Us

We offer a range of other courses and talks on specialist subjects such as suicide awareness and interventions skills, emotional resilience, exam stress, self-harm and eating disorders. We can also create bespoke courses and talks.

For further information, please contact our training team:

Tel: 0300 330 5488



Head Office

50 Sale Road
Tel: 0300 330 5488

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